måndag 21 mars 2011

Swedish Multi Gaming =SMG=

If you didn't know it already, I own a Multi gaming clan. At this point anyone that plays PC games in Europe can join. Just click on this link here, click me, click me :D and sign up.

söndag 20 mars 2011

Minecraft 8-bit Mario

This weekend I've been working on my minecraft texture pack with Mario 8-bit theme. I'm about 45% done.
I'm having a problem with the slab, lapis lazuli and mossy cobblestone textures. If anyone got an idea feel free to comment :)
When I'm done I will probably post this at the minecraft forums.
But if you want to try it out now, post your mail address in the comment section.

Can't you see I'm white n nerdy!?

New blog and this one is in English, for all you non-Swedish people. I will make the same posts here as on Insert New Coin, but this blog will be more nerdy (there will be posts about other nerdy stuff here too).

Hope you will enjoy my blog :D