lördag 21 januari 2012

The Wake-Up Call

To all the women around the world! I've got a message for you!
I'm speaking from my heart when I'm saying this. You don't need
make-up to be pretty, hot or beautiful. You don't have to shave your legs either.

"When a guy tells you that you're pretty he likes your face.
 When he says you are hot he likes your body.
 When he says you are beautiful he likes the inside."
 - Now, this ain't completely true. Sure, when we're saying that you're cute we
    usually likes your face and when we're saying you're hot we're usually talking about your body.
    But when I'm telling a girl that she's beautiful I'm not just talking about the inside, I'm talking about
    the whole "package", I like everything about her.

You might wonder what I would answer if someone asked me whatI want in a girl.
Many guys would probably answer "big breasts" or "high sex drive" or some other shallow bullshit, what do I know.
I'm atleast not one of them. I want "peculiarity". I neither want nor need a girl who are following the stream.
She doesn't have to dress-up in fashionable clothes nor does she have to put on tons of make-up
each day to be able to go out on the street. She should be herself. She should be natural.

Every single one of you are amazingly beautiful, many of you just don't know it yet.
If a person tells you you're ugly, don't listen to him/her, you aren't ugly.
A wise man said once: "There are no ugly people. If someone calls you ugly
you're just not their type". Everyone are beautiful, but they're perceived
differently in each and every persons eyes.

Last year I met a girl who was completely herself. In my eyes she was and
still is beautiful. When I told her this she told me I'm the first one
who thinks so. I think that's bullshit, I can't possibly be the first one who
thinks she's beautiful, there have surely been several people who thinks she's
beautiful, they've just been to cowardly to admit it.

To summarize it all; You don't need make-up. All you need is
self-confidence. I hope this has been a wake-up call for you.

måndag 26 september 2011


Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is the best turn based strategy game I've ever played. I wasn't so old the first time I played this but I learned how to play it almost right away. The game is really easy to understand and when you get started you can't stop, it's gonna be like a drug to you.

In the game you will be able to choose between 8 different races. Every race got their unique monsters and between 10-20 Heroes. You will be able to build and upgrade buildings and conquer other cities.
When you are attacking other heroes or monsters, or defending your self from other heroes, you will be sent to a battlefield. The battlefield got a grid that is built up by hexagons. The attacker will start with its monsters on the left side and the defender will start with its monsters on the right side. The battles are also turn based. Every unit are allowed to move one time per turn. The distance depends on the monster. Flying monsters can move a longer distance and also fly over obstacles like trees, stones and walls.
In battles, your hero can cast spells but only if your hero owns a spell book which can be bought in the magic guild. The cost and power of the spells depends on the hero and its skills.

I would really recommend this game.

torsdag 7 april 2011

Graphic Whores

Is it just me or are the "new" generation of gamers blind when it comes to deciding which games that are good and which games that are bad.

What I'm trying to say is that many younger gamers have a shallow mind and only pick the games with the latest graphics.
   The other day* I talked about Battlefield 2 with a classmate. He said that he almost threw up when he saw the graphics, just cause he thinks that the graphics are so bad. I, personally, love the graphics in BF2.
This same person couldn't understand how Zelda: OoT could be one of the best games ever made.

Again, what I'm trying to say is that people can't understand the "goodness" of many games and that is something I hate.

*This could be a few days/weeks/months ago

måndag 21 mars 2011

Swedish Multi Gaming =SMG=

If you didn't know it already, I own a Multi gaming clan. At this point anyone that plays PC games in Europe can join. Just click on this link here, click me, click me :D and sign up.

söndag 20 mars 2011

Minecraft 8-bit Mario

This weekend I've been working on my minecraft texture pack with Mario 8-bit theme. I'm about 45% done.
I'm having a problem with the slab, lapis lazuli and mossy cobblestone textures. If anyone got an idea feel free to comment :)
When I'm done I will probably post this at the minecraft forums.
But if you want to try it out now, post your mail address in the comment section.

Can't you see I'm white n nerdy!?

New blog and this one is in English, for all you non-Swedish people. I will make the same posts here as on Insert New Coin, but this blog will be more nerdy (there will be posts about other nerdy stuff here too).

Hope you will enjoy my blog :D