torsdag 7 april 2011

Graphic Whores

Is it just me or are the "new" generation of gamers blind when it comes to deciding which games that are good and which games that are bad.

What I'm trying to say is that many younger gamers have a shallow mind and only pick the games with the latest graphics.
   The other day* I talked about Battlefield 2 with a classmate. He said that he almost threw up when he saw the graphics, just cause he thinks that the graphics are so bad. I, personally, love the graphics in BF2.
This same person couldn't understand how Zelda: OoT could be one of the best games ever made.

Again, what I'm trying to say is that people can't understand the "goodness" of many games and that is something I hate.

*This could be a few days/weeks/months ago

1 kommentar:

  1. Thing is, it's always been like that. No kidding. When the SNES was released, everybody loved it to bits over the regular NES because the games looked better. Nobody gave five cents that the games were given an enormous potential to grow into amazing sizes compared to what the previous generation of consoles would allow.
    The issue still remains today; games need to be this and need to be that. Gamers have always been shallow, and that's the way it is. Unfortunately.
